List of products by brand Bodegas Liberalia

Bodegas Liberalia is a family winery located in the province of Zamora, which produces wines under Toro Appellation of Origin.

Bodegas Liberalia is a family winery that began its activity in 1996 with the acquisition of its vineyards, which are between 30 and 100 years old. But it was not until the year 2000 when they began producing unique and high quality wines.

The winery makes a firm commitment to cultural events such as the use of classical music during the aging of the wines to help them ripen.

The vineyards of this winery are in pagos, where the vine has traditionally been cultivated. The vineyards are of Tinta de Toro grape variety, although the family that owns the winery also owns vineyards of traditional white grape varieties of the area such as: Moscatel de Grano Menudo, Malvasia and Albillo. The yields of their vineyards are low to be able to obtain wines of great quality that also stand out for the originality in their presentation and elaboration.

The wines produced by this winery are characterized by having a very personal presentation and have a great fruit expression. In addition, this winery not only encloses the wine world but also expresses other artistic manifestations such as painting or sculpture, as it can be seen in the design of bottles, for example.

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