Vodka Eristoff 1L
Grado Alcohólico: 0.38
Vodka Eristoff 1L is a premium vodka from Georgia. It is produced by Eristoff, which belongs to the Bacardi group.
For more than 200 years the family heritage has lived on in every bottle of Eristoff: from the secret recipe and the symbol of the wolf, whose spirit embodies a raw, brave and instinctive attitude towards life.
Vodka Eristoff 1L is made from 100% pure grain, containing the right level of moisture and pure character and demineralized water. It is obtained by triple distillation of grain alcohol, and filtered through charcoal, according to the original 1806 recipe created by Nicolai Alexandrovich Eristoff.
It is charcoal filtered to ensure absolute purity and create a clean, fresh flavor.
Eristoff Vodka 1L Tasting Note
- View: Eristoff Vodka has a crystalline color.
- Nose: The nose presents great cleanliness and purity.
- Palate: It has a light touch of licorice and green apple that leaves a soft and creamy flavor.
Buying Eristoff Vodka at En Copa de Balón is easy, convenient, and with the guarantee of obtaining the best vodka at the best price and in perfect condition.
Distributed by Bacardi España SA Calle de Velázquez, 51, 28001 Madrid
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