List of products by brand Ruavieja

Ruavieja was born in 1889 when the Rodríguez Ovalle family started making liqueurs and spirits from Galician pomace.

Ruavieja is currently runed by the fourth generation of the Rodriguez Ovalle family, family in charge of the cellar since its creation in 1889. The cellar produces liqueurs and spirits following its secret and traditional recipe that has been maintained over the years.

Although the recipe and traditional elaborations are maintained, the cellar has been incorporating rigorous quality controls with the most advanced technologies to maintain the essence of its products.

Ruavieja is one of the reference brands in the development of this type of drinks nationwide, reaching more than 20% share in the Traditional Liquors category, which includes Herbs, Cream, Pacharán, Coffee and Orujo.

Currently the cellar belongs to the Pernod Ricard brand. After 125 years of history the brand decided to make a small change of image where the values ​​and origin of the brand would be enhanced. Some of the changes made in the labeling or small changes in the logo to enhance its Galician origin.

There are 5 products.

Showing 1-5 of 5 item(s)

Ruavieja Aguardiente de Orujo

Ruavieja Aguardiente de Orujo is made in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) as well as the rest of Ruavieja's products.

For more than 4 generations, the Galician family Rodríguez Ovalle has collected the most genuine Aguardenteira tradition and has applied it to the production of Ruavieja Liquors and Spirits.

Price €13.50

Crema Ruavieja

Crema Ruavieja is a delicious creamy liqueur made from Orujo.

Ruavieja is the main reference in the manufacture, bottling and marketing of premium spirits and liquors, from selected pomace from the Galician region, a region where there is a centuries-old tradition in manufacturing.

Price €12.95

Ruavieja Licor de Café

Ruavieja Licor de Café is a fine Coffee Liqueur made with selected products following traditional methods. The origin of Ruavieja dates back to 1978, and refers to the Rodríguez Ovalle family group.

Ruavieja is the main reference in the manufacture, bottling and commercialization of premium spirits and liquors.

Price €11.50

Ruavieja Licor de Hierbas

Ruavieja Licor de Hierbas is an herbal liqueur made in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) as well as the rest of Ruavieja's products.

For more than 4 generations, the Galician family Rodríguez Ovalle has collected the most genuine Aguardenteira tradition and has applied it to the production of Ruavieja Liqueur and Spirits.

Price €9.99

Rice Cream Ruavieja

Rice Cream Ruavieja is a delicious creamy liqueur made from rice.

Ruavieja is the main reference in the manufacture, bottling and marketing of premium spirits and liquors, from selected pomace from the Galician region, a region where there is a centuries-old tradition in manufacturing.

Price €11.95